TBD Dicussion


One of my goals for the year as you'll see here was to buy a book online and I'm glad to tell you I just completed a transaction at The Book Depository, a fabulous website that offers free worldwide postage.

The book I chose was Suite Scarlett by Maureen Johnson, it's about a girl whose family owns a hotel and at the age of 15 is given a room all of her own to look after for guests. I'd picked up Maureen Johnsons's 2005 book, 13 Little Blue Envelopes quite a while ago and throughly enjoyed it (13 Little Blue Envelopes has a sequel on the way, woo!) so I was stoked to finally have the chance to get my hands on this one.

I had browsed the online bookstore quite a few times on referral of other book bloggers but what pushed me over the line was finding a 10% Off Voucher at OzBargain, as you'll come to find I'm a big fan of freebies.

The voucher runs up until 11 December 2009, it's definately worth the saving. Give it a go :)


  1. I LOVE book depository!! I get all my books there now.

  2. This book is one of those books I KNOW I have to read. Can't believe I haven't yet. Have you read DEVILISH by her? That was one of the first YA books I read and it's so fun


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