What's on my to-do list?

Earlier this year, a few book bloggers participated in Bloggiesta and I'm only just now getting around
 to working on my stuff. Well, truthfully I work through my to-do list every single day but here's a 
little peek into my overall list of stuff to get done...

Task Management Software: Wunderlist
Number of Items on List: Approx. 58

  1. Fave Blogs Sidebar // I've been meaning to incorporate a list of my favourite bloggers on my sidebar for a little while now but it's just the point of sitting down and picking out a few blogs I want to feature.
  2. Research P&O Cruises // We went on a cruise to Noumea in March 2011 and now we have to decide whether we want to go again in October 2012 or 2013 as two different sets of family members are planning to go and have asked us to go along, it's just a matter of choosing the best fit!
  3. Contact Quickflix // I haven't had any DVDs sent out to me since the 25th of July and I'm starting to wonder whats going on... Actually, I might go call them now!
  4. Complete the ABC Reading Challenge // I have about six books to read before I finish this challenge, it's just about the easiest one around and yet I can't manage to wrap it up. See my progress here.
  5. Watch Twilight // I've had Breaking Dawn - Part 1 on my coffee table for months now and I just can't seem to get around to watching it!
  6. Edit Old Book Reviews & Post Them on Goodreads, Amazon, etc // Really, when I look back at my early book reviews, I'm super embarrassed at the quality but the good thing is I've improved since then so my goal here is to fix those old reviews and share them around a bit!
  7. Buy a New Pair of Converse // My favourite pair of Converse are just about falling apart and Kristen Stewart / Aria from Pretty Little Liars are inspiring me to buy a pair of plain black lo-cut Chuck Taylors.
  8. List a Few Things on eBay // I have a box of stuff sitting in the corner of my room that all need to be sold on eBay or eventually donated, hopefully I can get through them all ASAP!
  9. Print Some Photos // It's so cheap right now to get photos printed at Big W or Kmart, I just need to get together a collection of photos that are worthy of printing. I've been saving them up on my computer for years and just haven't had the time to go through them yet.
  10. Clean Out Those Lists // I have piles and piles of lists building up on various websites, they are as follows: My Safari Reading List, Twitter Favourites, Email Inbox, Goodreads Wish List, Spotify Playlist & Youtube Watch List. Wish Me Luck!
Q: What's on your to-do list? 
Q: How do you keep motivated and get everything completed on time?

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