Max Bemis Song Shop & Me

Is anyone else a fan of Say Anything? I've been with this band for a couple years now, I think I caught on the bandwagon a little while after ...Is a Real Boy was released and it's safe to say, there hasn't been a band that has affected me more.

I just got back from seeing them live for a second time (13th July @ Billboards, Melbourne) which totally reignited my love and then the Song Shop magically appears open. In the past, I've thought about buying my very own personalised song for a fee of $75 but there are just a couple of tingly issues that are setting me back.

Mainly, the fact that I need to give a description of myself or what I'd like the song to be about. Who could put into words what they'd like to hear in a song that's going to be played on repeat for years on. Then there is the issue with the bonus phone call from Max, who could seriously talk to their favourite artist on the phone without becoming totally embarrassed and wasting the experience altogether.

There are only 313 places left and the following quote is making me really wanna do this:
"I found Song Shop unintentionally on the SA website. I signed up to be emailed when songs were available to be purchased and a few weeks later, I got a message that the shop was open. My fingers were shaking; I couldn't click that mouse or type my information in fast enough. By the time my song was purchased and I was directed to send an email explaining what I wanted my song to be about, I was on some weird adrenaline high and decided to just wing it. So, I wrote a super inarticulate email blabbering about my overabundance of insecurities and total lack of direction. I sent the email on its way with no concept of what the process of Song Shop would mean to me... My only concern was if Max would be able to extract anything of value from my rambling email that really wasn't about anything except how much my life sucked.

…Finally, I got the email with my song. It was the most surreal thing I've experienced to date. I listened to the song. I listened to the song again. I teared up a little. Then I listened to it ten more times. I kept trying to comprehend that this time the song really WAS just for me, from Max. Also, because I'm the luckiest girl in the world, there was the added bonus of talking to Max on the phone as part of that cycle of Song Shop.... Max Bemis is the totally gracious, funny, unassuming guy that I always imagined him to be.

And of course, because Max has this miraculous ability to understand so deeply and to communicate ideas, my song was beyond perfect. I've shared my song with a few close friends and they've all had the same reaction: it's amazing that someone who doesn't know me was able to write a song that is so clearly for me. Every time I listen to my song, I remind myself again that it's mine alone and that it's from Max Bemis, someone I respect and adore so much. I feel so fortunate that I had the opportunity to know Max a little more and know myself a lot more through Song Shop. It was the best purchase I've ever made (and probably ever will make)."

And here's a song sample from a girl named Nadine:

Q: Which artist would you like to see write a personalized song for you? And what should I have my song written about?

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