TGIF // Choose Your Next Read

TGIF is a weekly feature organised by Ginger at Greads. This week's topic is "Choose Your Next Read: How do you go about choosing what you read next? Do you have a schedule you follow, or do you read whatever makes you happy at the moment?"
Does anyone else ever feel like the girl in the picture above? Books are hugely entertaining and are the perfect comfort on the less exciting days but it doesn't take much to become overwhelmed with a huge reading pile and the guilt that follows. 

In the past, I've tried picking roughly ten books at the start of each month and working my way through them but I always seem to come back to the same conclusion, pre-planned choices always end up in boredom/slumps and so I've completely written them off and now plan my reading choices based on a whim.

For now that means ignoring my tendency for list-making and basically picking my next book when the time comes, this will sometimes include a quick peek at the goodreads ratings but mostly based on what looks like it'll be a super entertaining read and it seems to be working wonders as I'm finally getting around to reading The Perks of Being a Wallflower!

It now seems completely clear that I'll never be able to predict which books will be a winner or fail but I  have learnt that things like reading a sappy romance after an awesome dystopian is never a good idea as you're destined to be bored.

Q: How do you decide which book to read next?

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