(ARC) Tours: Low Red Moon

Low Red Moon by Ivy Devlin | Avery Hood is reeling from the loss of her parents--and the fact that she can't remember what happened to them even though she was there. 

She's struggling to adjust to life without them, and to living with her grandmother, when she meets Ben, who isn't like any guy she's ever met before. 

It turns out there's a reason why, and Ben's secret may hold the key to Avery finding out what happened to her parents... 

But what if that secret changes everything she knows about--and feels for--Ben?


  1. Ashley | GA, USA *Sent 21st July - DC:03082040000037555192
  2. Erika | NC, USA *Sent 28th July - DC: 03100480000035382085
  3. Shelbie | MN, USA *sent 3rd august
  4. Amanda | MN, USA *sent 12th august
  5. Tracee | WI, USA *awaiting book
  6. Terry | TX, USA
  7. Katherine | ON, Canada
  8. Carly | Wiltshire, UK
  9. Arianne | NSW, AUS
  10. Romy | VIC, AUS
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