Rae: My True Story of Fear, Anxiety, and Social Phobia by Chelsea Rae Swiggett
There are a couple of things I really like about this book - the green eyes featured on the cover, the fact that it is written by a fellow teenage blogger and most importantly the connection I get with the summary, it is very mildly similar to my own life.
And then there is one thing that bothers me... how easily this could turn out to be cringe-worthy.

The sounds of planes flying overhead could spark a panic attack and something as simple as being called on in class could push her over the edge, convinced that everyone was judging her, mocking her. Faking sickness so she could stay home became her only solution, since she'd rather do anything than face the reality of what happened behind the school's double doors. Rae tells a story all-too-many teens today relate to—what it feels like to see the world through a lens of constant debilitating fear, anxiety, and stress.
Rae will be published by HCI Teens on 2nd August 2010 and available for purchase through Amazon