Scott Westerfeld's Uglies series is going to be made into a movie by the developers of the recent Dear John book to movie adaptation.
Industry sources have confirmed to MTV News exclusively that Screen Gems, in the wake of the success of its current release “Dear John,” is developing — and in fact, fast tracking (!) — a film version of “The Uglies” series.While there haven’t been any decisions made regarding things like casting yet, we can tell you that our source said production of the movie is planned for later this year. That means we will all hopefully know soon enough who could be playing the beloved teen Tally Youngblood in the futuristic, meaningful tale about a dystopian society that places an incredible emphasis on looks.
Uglies has been on my wishlist for quite some time now and I will definately be putting it on the top of my wishlist with the news of a movie being made, the great thing is the series is so popular I can pick it up at my local library.
I've never read the series, but I can't wait to. I hope they don't ruin the books with the film! :)