TGIF @ Greads // What are some of the worst book covers that hold the best stories inside? Don't be embarrassed show us your cover! TBH, I really struggled to find any novels in my favourites pile with terrible covers. What you're seeing below is a list of average covers that are actually easily dealt with once you peek inside the book. I guess YA really is renowned for it's quality cover art, if not it means I'm subconsciously totally vein and only reading books with beautiful covers.
A particularly plain cover. It does slightly represent the text at hand (love, typewriter) but it doesn't seem to have done very well in capturing the attention of the reader. Something a little bit more fun would be suited to this novel.
TBH, this one looks like it was self-published and the cover art put together by a person with zero design experience. Although it does represent the content in a way (Goth, Prom).
3. Does My Head Look Big In This? by Randa Abdel-Fattah
This one kept me extremely entertained on a roadtrip awhile back yet I made sure to hide the cover from the general public as it looks heaps childish.
Another cover that looks like it was designed by someone with very little experience. If it weren't for Jennifer Echols name on the cover, I'd assume this was a self-published novel.
5. Perfect You by Elizabeth Scott
Q: Which of your favourite books have the worst of covers?